It seems the temperatures are warmer at night near the coast, we like that! Today’s pack up was remarkably fast and we were on the road at a reasonable hour for a change. Lately we have struggled to get going before 11:00! We started off on the 101 which in this area is more or less a highway, not that great. We found a detour that looked interesting and headed west to the coast passing through Ferndale which was a quaint little town and then onto rough pavement to the coast. The views were amazing but the road was tough on the bikes suspension and our lower backs! Along the way we passed a few small settlements and some “alternative” towns, Petrolia being one of them.
Eventually our detour brought us back through the redwood trees onto highway 101 which we followed until Legget.
In Legget we found another drive through tree, so we drove through it… just because we could.
With that down we went along the awesome SR1, twisties all the way to the coast and then some breathtaking views of the Pacific. We thought the Oregon coast was nice but this takes it to a whole other level. The road is right on the edge of the cliffs with the ocean below! Pretty awesome riding, and still nice and curvy. Great motorcycle country.
We called it a day in Fort Bragg, camping near the beach, we can hear the surf hit the shore… and the raccoons working at improving our motorcycles (I assume thats what they are doing out there!)
From here it will be close to the Pacific all the way down to…? Or are inland diversions planned or to-be-planned?
I looked up “raccoon” and Petrolia and admired the incredible drive-through tree (second on your trip).
Always warmer at seaside, and more as you go South.
Yours is my preferred morning read!
My preferred morning read too !
Road 1 coming from Legget and going all the way dawn to San Fran along the Atlantic must be very nice for sure.
Raccoons are so cute, do they harm ? Nibble your tires and stuff like that ?
Buying a new tire means you have plans to do a lot more kms in the next few weeks I presume ….?
Waiting impatiently for your next story and pictures…till then enjoy !
Mum xx
In fact the US1 goes all the way down to Las Crosses !
My bad… it’s the Pacific Ocean I was writing about higher up ! The US 1 road all along the coast of the Pacific Ocean of course.